“HOMECOMING, a Wisconsin Reunion Romance” by Janet Wellington

In “HOMECOMING, a Wisconsin Reunion Romance” by Janet Wellington, Cory had her heart broken in divorce. Her husband used her to get where he wanted to be in his career and then left her for someone younger and richer. Cory moved back to Faythe, Wisconsin and took a job caring for Tillie and her nine cats. She learned that Tillie was Jake's great aunt – Jake who broke her heart in high school. Jake ran as far and as fast as he could from Faythe when he was eighteen, leaving Cory behind. When Tillie passed away, she left instructions for Jake and Cory to fix up the house, sell it, and then split the profits. Tillie was a bit of a matchmaker, having connected over fifty couples, who then married. Jake and Cory planned to honor their obligations to Tillie and go their separate ways, but there were surprises in store for them. 

I loved the beautiful cover of “HOMECOMING, a Wisconsin Reunion Romance” because I am drawn to houses of that era. Cory's and Jake's pain from the past was depicted well enough so I could understand why they were fearful of letting down their defenses and getting involved in a relationship. The sexual tension was consistent and I could feel their connection. I liked them both enough to keep hoping they'd get their happily-ever-after. Some interesting and painful circumstances lead to their understanding and admitting how they really felt about each other. I especially liked the touching scenes between Jake and his father later on in the book centered on forgiveness. I also enjoyed how Tillie was a character and played a role in the plot even though she had died. Janet Wellington penned a sweet romantic tale.

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